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Meet Our Office Bearers

At D Club, our office bearers are the dedicated individuals who lead and manage the day-to-day operations of our organization. Committed to our mission of empowering doctors with knowledge on diabetes, they serve as the backbone of our efforts to make a positive impact in the field of diabetes care.

Our office bearers are passionate advocates for excellence in diabetes management and are deeply committed to serving our members and the broader healthcare community. They bring a diverse range of skills, experiences, and perspectives to their roles, ensuring that our organization remains responsive to the evolving needs of healthcare professionals.

As leaders, our office bearers are responsible for setting the strategic direction of D Club and overseeing its implementation. They work tirelessly to identify opportunities for growth and improvement, develop innovative programs and initiatives, and establish partnerships with other organizations and stakeholders to further our mission.

In addition to their strategic responsibilities, our office bearers are also actively involved in the day-to-day operations of D Club. They oversee various committees and working groups, coordinate educational programs and events, manage financial resources, and ensure compliance with regulatory requirements.

Above all, our office bearers are driven by a shared commitment to excellence and integrity in everything they do. They lead by example, fostering a culture of collaboration, professionalism, and mutual respect within our organization. By embodying these values, they inspire our members and partners to strive for excellence in diabetes care and contribute to the collective effort to combat this chronic disease.

We are immensely grateful for the dedication and leadership of our office bearers, whose tireless efforts enable us to fulfill our mission of empowering doctors with knowledge on diabetes and improving outcomes for patients worldwide.

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Founder & President

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Honorary Secretary

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Executive Member

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Executive Member

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Executive Member

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Executive Member

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